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Martinelli announces the promotion of 6 lawyers to partners


Martinelli Advogados has announced that, as of February 1, 2025, the firm will promote six lawyers to partner.

The new partners will work in different areas and states: Luiz Guilherme Gama de Oliveira – Corporate – Paraná; Maísa Beatriz A. Evangelista – Data Privacy and Compliance – Paraná; Ernesto Mendieta Cavalheiro – Tax – Rio Grande do Sul (pictured top from left to right); Caroline dos Anjos da Silva – Tax – Santa Catarina, Clarissa Mendes – Tax – Minas Gerais and Luiz Rodrigo Alves Cappellin – Tax – Mato Grosso (pictured bottom from left to right).

The promotion is part of the firm’s commitment to the development and growth of its professionals, which is reflected in the retention of talent and the renewal of Martinelli’s roster of partners and associates.


Fonte: The Latin American Lawyer | Publicado em 29/1/2025 | Clique aqui e veja a publicação original.

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